The first thing I do when I wake up is feed my fur family.


Around 4:30 pm. I feed again, but add the HAY BALL


Sometimes the Coco Plums like to visit


shearing my fur family

Nick - comes once a year in the Spring to shear my Teeswater and Wensleydale sheep “the Coco Plums”. I take my llama “Blue” and alpaca “Sinatra” to my friend, Jun where Tom comes and shears them.


Nick comes every Spring to shear the Coco Plums


Alpaca Tom shears my llamas and alpaca.

Each Spring I take my llamas and alpaca to my friend Jun’s ranch, where Alpaca Tom shears them. My neighbors at the Goji Berry Farm also bring their alpacas. We all help each other with the shearing by bagging the fleece and sweeping the matts.


I shear the angora goats twice a year Spring and Fall


More with the Donkeys


I got Petra from Longhopes Donkey Shelter. She was pregnant. 12 months later Mojo was born. He was in her womb for 12 months!